3 years ago
Got me wanting some chocolate. Nice juicy pussy. Shame boy was too dumb to pump the load where it belongs.
TaKinG iT BacK To The MoTheRLanD #2
3 years ago
Got me wanting some chocolate. Nice juicy pussy. Shame boy was too dumb to pump the load where it belongs.
4 years ago
motherfuckers still on that liberal plantation.. replaced a rich white guy with another one? Dumb motherfuckers
4 years ago
So Biden/Harris represent sex tourism to Africa?
4 years ago
trump is a POS! i wouldnt piss on that POS if he was on fire! BIDEN took trump's punk ass to the woodshed at the polls! ???? trump!!!
4 years ago
Why TF is Joe racist pedo biden and evil Harris on the thumbnail?